Sunday, January 20, 2008

Just something to make you smile on a Sunday morning...

I've been seeing these Alli ads on TV for a while now, and of course, like the skeptical nurse that I am, I've been doubting how 'easy' and 'wonderful' this drug is. Everyone knows there is no miracle drug for weight loss. Except the millions who spend billions on them every year. But anyway. As soon as I heard the description "blocks fat from absorption in your digestive track" in the advertisment, I knew this must pharmaceutical doublespeak for "shitstorm." I became determined to get my hands on a package insert from this drug in order to translate the side effects into layman's terms, since I was fairly certain the more accurate and descriptive words like "bowels let loose in your pants" and "buttmud" and "wet farts" would not be listed. However, someone beat me to this, and you should read it too...

Alli Side Effects in Layman's Terms

1 comment:

girl_in_greenwood said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I especially liked the phrase "diarrhea cannon." I have taken to narrating the Alli commercials on TV, much to my husband's horror. Oddly, he is not amused when I explain in an announcer voice, "Alli may make you poop your pants at work, at the store, or in bed at night." Clearly he just doesn't know what is funny.