Friday, January 05, 2007

And then there were three

Three days, that is. Until I leave. Eek.

This week has been filled with making lists, crossing things off lists, adding things to the lists...farewell dinners with friends, organizing bills and payments, mail forwarded, getting the car serviced and washed, getting my hair cut, my brows waxed, shopping...

But of course I still found time to lay on the couch, cuddle with the doggies, and enjoy my mindless cable TV. Thanks to Nicole, I found this: Effects of drugs and alcohol on spiders. Go ahead, just try not to laugh out loud.

Now I'd like to do some more of that laying on the couch with the dogs, but I must go and pick up my prescriptions before my insurance expires tomorrow. And then I must go to the Apple store and pick up Sims 2, because, well, why not? How else will a girl pass the time on transatlantic flights or those lonely nights in the desert? And maybe I'll pick up a pair of speakers, because as fabulous my wee macbook is, it does not seem to have great sound.

And I might be rather brave, or probably just a little stupid because it is 4:30 on Friday, and I am about to head out in the rain across the ship canal bridge, on my way to U Village. That will mean nothing to you if you're not from Seattle. And if you are from Seattle, I can hear you snickering at me.

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